music memorabilia
The Snyder family of Potomac, Maryland has announced that it will contribute memorabilia in the field of music - covering every genre, from classical music to the Beastie Boys - and to have the Wing where the memorabilia will be displayed named in memory of the late Gerald S. Snyder, who organized the collection.
miniature hanukiyyot
Julius Kaplan of Washington , DC has offered his much-exhibited collection of miniature and traveling Hanukiyyot to the Museum, which will form one of the anchors of the Judaica galleries.
baron oscar ghez collection
Dr. Claude Ghez of New York City has recently agreed to provide paintings by Jewish artists to the Museum from the vast collections of his late father, Baron Oscar Ghez. The collections were formerly housed in the Petit Palais Museum in Geneva, Switzerland.
board member news
The Museum is pleased that Nobel Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel and world-renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman have joined the Museum Board. We note with sadness the recent death of Board member Betty Friedan, founder of the American Feminist movement and author of the path-breaking work, The Feminine Mystique.
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